Welcome back to my site!

I apologize that it has been a while and that the website is still under construction.

My old site was very outdated in its formate and needed a big change.

I hope you appreciate this more effective and simplified style that I now present.

I will certainly do my best to update it but please be patient cause I have so many commissions and tasks to deal with and I’m sure you all are more interested in what I’m actually producing in form of sounding music!

Just return now and then and you will see the progress, both around my music as with the actual website itself.

Right before Christmas I am able to present all the menus except for the largest one which is the complete catalogue of works. But it will show up in the beginning of next year I hope.

Meanwhile you can take part of audios and videos on the home page and the latest news around performances that I personally know of and that brought my attention.

On this blog I will post both news about concerts in more detail, commissions, publications and other news as well as trying to tell you a bit of what I am working on at the moment.

See you around – and Merry Christmas!


- composer -